Discovery: Champion of the Space Shuttle Fleet (Smithsonian Series) by Valerie Neal
Discovery: Champion of the Space Shuttle Fleet (Smithsonian Series) by Valerie Neal PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
This book places Space Shuttle Discovery within the history of the space shuttle program and provides an introduction to space shuttle technology, with a focus on the orbiter itself. Discovery's unique history is presented mission by mission that includes a brief narrative of each mission, a chart of its key statistics (dates, duration, altitude, payloads, etc.), each mission's patch with an explanation of its unique symbolism, a crew portrait, and two to four iconic photos that capture the distinct activities and successes of each mission. The book also features anecdotes and memories of several astronauts who flew on Discovery, as well as its modernization over the years and its final preparation for retirement at the Smithsonian.
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